Modern Times
I tried my best to stay away from this topic, but this I no longer can ignore.
We live in a world where gen-z’s are showing the highest rates of depression, stress, and anxiety.
We live in a world where gen-z’s are so connected and disconnected from the world due to social media.
We live in a world where humanity is so fucked up, and people just accept it.
But whose fault is it? Whose fault is it that gen-z’s are showing high death rates? Whose fault is it that gen-z’s are face-deep in a screen most of the time?
Is it the government’s fault?
Is it the parent’s fault?
Is it social media’s fault?
I tried my best to stay away from this topic, but this I no longer can ignore.
We live in a world where there are more than 13 cases of missing children every day,
and the news doesn't broadcast this enough.
We live in a world where people die every day due to insufficient funds to afford healthcare,
and not enough is being done to prevent this.
Who do we blame for the increased death rate? Who do we blame for the increasing cases of missing children? Who do we blame for the lack of health care?
Is it the government’s fault?
Is it the parent’s fault?
Is it social media’s fault?
I tried my best to stay away from this topic, but this I no longer can ignore.
We live in a world where African Americans constantly fear for their lives,
where Black parents have to pray that their kids make it home alive.
We live in a world where freedom of speech only applies to white Americans,
where others are classified as domestic terrorists for trying to advocate for their rights.
Who do we blame for the police brutality? Who do we blame for the social injustice?
Is it the government’s fault?
Is it the parent’s fault?
Is it social media’s fault?
I tried my best to stay away from this topic, but this I no longer can ignore.
We live in a world where women are still treated as less than men,
where women are the ones that keep humanity alive, but are still underpaid and under-acknowledged.
We live in a world where instead of moving forward we are moving back in time.
Where women’s rights are decided by men who can’t even fathom their struggle.
Who do we blame for the difference in pay between men and women? Who do we blame for women being stripped of their rights?
Is it the government’s fault?
Is it the parent’s fault?
Is it social media’s fault?
I tried my best to stay away from this topic, but this I no longer can ignore.
We live in a world where humans who are looking for a better life are put in cages,
where the same people that help push a nation forward are the ones that get the shorter end of the stick.
We live in a world where we are told to dream big, but not too big because it’s problematic.
Who do we blame for the inhumane treatment of other humans? Who do we blame for the suffrage of those who just want a better life?
Is it the government’s fault?
Is it the parent’s fault?
Is it social media’s fault?
“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem. Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes”
~ Fred Rogers