
Einstein once said that time is relative.

Therefore, time is whatever you make it.

Time is a manmade construct, we created it,

meaning that we can bend it in many ways.

Humanity created years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

We created different time zones for different locations.

Einstein once said that time is relative.

Meaning that time can be bent and manipulated in different ways.

Time is what we make of it.

However, I always wonder why I never seem to have enough time.

Why do I turn things in late?

Why Do I stay up late to meet deadlines?

Why do I wake up early to be on time even though I’m just running on two hours of sleep, and need more time to rest?

Why is my free time so short and my work time so long?

Why do I constantly feel like I’m running out of time?

We are told we have all the time in the world, but that doesn’t feel true.

Time is relative ain’t it?

Why is it that it feels like we are being rushed everyday?

Like our lives are in constant motion, going in one particular direction,

And there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

If time is relative then why do we abide by these time rules?

Why do we only have 24 hours in a day?

Why do we only have 12 months? and why are some longer than others?

Einstein said time is relative.

But it seems like time is set in stone.

It seems like time isn’t relative at all.

It actually seems that as we get older, our time is actually shorter.





Hopelessly Hopeful